2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010
Well Hi :)
It's finally 2010! Oh YEAH!! ARE YOU EXCITED FOR THE NEW YEAR?!?! Huh..huh...huh???? I am!
My New Years Eve was good. I woke up and babysat Tengis while my Mom and Tuul were at the Temple. We played with trains, cars, and all those things. After that I went with my sister Amy to the mall. I got to go to Delias and got 2 tee shirts and 3 pairs of knee high socks! When we got home, I went to my Dad's with Amy and watched some movies (Pride and Prejudice...and then...Bride and Prejudice). When we went back to my Mom's we ate Chinese Food. We decided we were really tired and we actually celebrated BEFORE midnight. We drank Sparkling Cider. My Dad bought like 12 bottles of different flavors! Yummy in my tummy! After that we just sat around and talked. When it was actually 12:00am we didn't even dance around or anything. We just said "Yay.." and waved our arms around. We were all tired and full. I went to bed at around 12:35am.
Well..yeah. Leave a comment about what YOU did on New Years Eve.
Pixxxx Timeeee....
January 1, 2011 at 4:58 PM
What a fun New Year's! How fun to watch some Jane Austen. We had a cousin party here, and everyone wanted to watch episodes of Avatar (Last Airbender). We had HUGE noise at midnight, thanking the Mella boys, then Alice begged me to put her in bed.
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