Elloooo! :)
On Saturday, I went to Aikido (if you don't know what it is....look it up) for the first time with my dad and sister. I was doing really well and doing a good job. Then my partner pulled me the wrong way and I fell to the ground in an awkward position. I tried to catch myself but landed with all my fingers tucked into a fist except my pinky and a little of my ring finger on my left hand. I got up and started to feel horrible pain. My pinky was throbbing. I started to cry and went to my dad. I got some ice and went home. I had sprained my pinky. After about 2 hours, it swelled up a lot and looked like a thumb. The next day it turned black, blue, and purple. I couldn't bend it. My mom and I got something to hold it up and protect it. It is still swollen and black, blue, and purple but it's a lot better.
Yesterday I brought a pair of black big glasses with no lenses to school for a bartering/trading project we were going to do in American Studies. I put them on and everyone thought they were cool...well almost everyone. I started to really like them. I wore them all of 4th and 5th period. In 5th period (American Studies) I had to put them in a plastic bag for trading. When I got home, I found some big GREEN shiny glasses with no lenses. They were SO COOL!!! I decided I would bring them to school and wear them during class. I found a matching outfit of a light blue shirt, jean capris, and some super cool knee-high socks that were dark blue, light blue, green, and a little yellow. I got my converse shoes that were 3 shades of green and some yellow. I put it all together and I looked hilarious. The next morning, I put them on and went to school. It was a funny day and everyone commented, well not everyone. I plan on wearing outfits like it in the future and I will get more glasses :P
Annie :)
Pix Time! :D
October 16, 2009 at 3:53 PM
Hello my sweet! You look so cute with your glasses, I want a pair!! I am excited to see you guys next month, be thinking of some fun activities to do. and i think its time for a new blog :)
love, your stalker
October 25, 2009 at 3:57 PM
lol ha ha
thanks amy, for commenting!
i think u can get a pair of the glasses at party city or some place like that
November 7, 2009 at 1:07 PM
hey miss bananie! I LOVE your big glasses!
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